(all you can read special)

dear 𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 hehe<3

it’s your birthday!!! i know these past few days haven’t been the best, and for that i will kick them in their shins and smack scooters to their ankles frick this past week 😡 REGARDLESS i hope you have the very bestest day today, you deserve happiness always, as cliche as it is, you’re worth so much more than you could ever imagine. i don’t say it often, and when i do i guess i’m crazy with it but, nany, i love you<3 from the bottom of my heart i do. you mean so much to me, more than i would have ever imagined when we first met. you literally radiate sunshine, not to mention you’re absolutely Gorgeous, i swear your daily snaps always make me smile :D one thing i admire about you is that despite what you may be going through you’re always there for your friends, and it’s an amazing quality not many people have, sometimes though, we can get so caught up in being there for everyone else, we forget to be there for ourselves. so i hope you take time today to treat yourself, you deserve it. this is your day!!! 𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 day ONLY!! you better smile a hecking lot and if not i’ll personally beat up whatever kept you from it, i love you so very much, thank you for being such a role model for me, i love love love love love you, happy birthday angel<3
~ esther

My baby!!! Happy Happy birthday angel, i hope you have the most amazing day ever. Before we became closer friends i honestly did not think we would be anything more than ‘friends’ in a gc who would stop talking when it died. Then somehow we started talking more and more and became super close. I am so happy to have you in my life, Nany ): you mean the absolute most to me and i would do anything to keep you happy. I feel like we’ve definitely had our fair share of rough spots in our friendship, but we’ve always overcome them and come back stronger than ever. I am not very good with words, but i hope you understand how much you truly mean to me. i will always be here no matter the case and i will always do my absolute best to cheer you up when i know you are feeling down. i know things haven’t been the best lately, but just know that i, along with all our other friends, are here to keep you happy and to shower you with endless amounts of love. you’re a gorgeous girl with the most beautiful features. your eyes? perfect. your smile? stunning. i am so proud of you for accomplish all that you have within my time of knowing you and i hope that we can remain friends and make more memories for a long long time. i love you so much <3
love love love christina

I hope your days are filled with happiness starting from now, happy birthday, Nany! I'm really glad we met and made up....twice.... IM SORYDKD INLOVE YOU but anyway I'm thankful for our friendship and I hope we'll last long. I love you 💕💘💖💗💓💞💝
~ sin

hey nany... mere jaan..
it’s tara! your subjectively favorite desi loser.
honestly, i can’t believe you’re turning 19. this might be a weird compliment (it definitely is a compliment) but you’re so mature around our friend group that i tend to question if you’re not really 100 years old with isaac newton’s brain and wisdom or something. of course, that with the added beauty of a supermodel. i must say, your entire existence puts the concept of ‘unattainable perfection’ to chaos and disarray. but this isn’t what i was coming around to. it’s your birthday. it’s THE day. it’s your day, so i’m going to be extremely happy, and i’m going to love this day. it’s your day, all 24 hours of it. and during this entire timeframe, i want you to be happy, i want you to know that you are immensely loved by the people around you, even if life and people sometimes can seem like a struggle. you don’t need me to say this, but you are one of the most intelligent people i know with a great personality to back it up. also i think ur rlly hot with glasses and ur an amazing singer sing me to sleep haha nobodysawthat. in summary, happy 19th birthday, nany. i love you so much. be happy!

hey my baby, I know we haven’t talked much in the past couple days. but no matter how many hours, days, or weeks pass by, I still feel this overwhelming love for you. it’s as if there’s something that’s always pulling me to you. everything about is so captivating, so amazing, so beautiful. I really can’t describe it. the more I get to know you the more I want to stay around you. when im with you, Im in truly in euphoria. when im with you I feel safe. when im with you I feel as if everything will turn out alright. that is what you do to me, that is how your life impacts me. your life has been not only an amazing blessing for me but also for so many other people. don’t ever forget that my love. i wish only the best for you always. happy birthday nany
~ nathalia

hi miss nany it’s your special day today ! i’m literally decking anyone or anything that ruins your day because you deserve nothing but happiness and love and positivity 😡💞😡💞😡 we only met this year but you’ve easily became one of my closest friends i love being on call with you all the time there’s always something that you say that makes me die of laughter SHIFN ANYWAYS i hope you have an amazing birthday i’m so happy i get to celebrate it with you ! I LOVE YOUUUU
~ nicolle

happy birthday baby!
our oldest ioomf member even though you’re still a baby in my eyes<3
we’ve known each other for almost a year now, time really flies fast. you are such a genuine and hardworking person and i hope to god that you know that. i love you so so much and i cannot stress that enough, i never want you to doubt my love and importance for you. i know you have before and that we have had our ups and downs and i know everything happens for a reason. despite all of that, we came back together because everyone fucking knows that we can’t let each other go for any reason. i hope any problem we have in the future we can work it out because i’d never want to lose you as a friend. you intimidate me sometimes but only because i see you as someone i respect a lot and someone who obviously Older than me so that’s more than intimidating enough. with that being said, i’m so comfortable with you and i feel like i can tell you anything. fuck every person who has ever made you feel less than what you actually are or feel any type of negativity. you are such a wonderful and beautiful girl. i love you so, so much nany. thank you so much for giving me the chance to be your friend and experience how much of a great person you are. i hope we can be friends forever and ever till we get old and die together (i sound like williams shakespeare n shit but u know what i mean). happy birthday baby and know that you mean so much to everyone and the world literally does not deserve you.
~ metzli

dear nany,

i already told u all that I wanted you to hear so i’m not quite sure how to express the rest but i know there’s a lot i want to say to you and can’t quite express it.

i’m very thankful, once again, to have you as one of my best friends and i love you so so much. you’ve really worked on improving yourself as a person and always see mistakes and correct them for not only yourself but for others as well and it’s extremely admirable.

i can’t type a lot bc my hand is in Pain but u have my entire heart. here’s to being 19.

— pete Davidson

naaaaaaaaany, whew happy birthday girlfriend who isn't my girlfriend, but is my girlfriend 😏🤝 you know i love you so much, my fat crush still burns strong. i honestly don’t know what i would do without you in my life maaaan. so here’s 19 things i love about you. 1) damn ma you out here looking this good?? all the time?? 2) your voice could crush me and i'd say thank you. 3) adding on to that, please sing me to sleep every night because your singing is so beautiful. 4) our late night calls make me so happy. 5) we can really tell each other anything and that's normal for us. 6) you keep me in check and tell me when i'm being dumb and i love that. 7) i love how strong you are, it's admirable. 8) you let me cry to you when i'm sad. 9) even tho you aren't super lovey and expressive about it, i know that you show so much love to everyone around you and it doesn't go unnoticed. 10) your hair is so long and pretty i wanna braid it so bad please let me braid it when we meet. 11) you don't take any shit from anyone. 12) you'd fight the whole world for people who are important to you. 13) you're so smart like hhhhhh please lemme smooch your brain. 14) you are so fucking funny and original and brilliant, love a comedy queen. 15) your smile radiates good feelings and happiness to everyone, so never stop smiling. 16) you are dedicated to things you set forward to do and i inspire to be that motivated and hard working. 17) EYE 18) LOVE 19) YOOOOOOU!!!!! i hope this made you smile and that today is a good day for you. may you only have the happiest of birthdays. you are so loved and appreciated, more than you know. maaaaan im gonna cry in this starbucks quit playinhdndnjd, anyways i love you so much mi angelita, lemme suck your heart
<3 katie